Question……the 4th of July is on a Saturday, so will Mini Bazaar be open?? The answer is YES. We have had some requests from customers that have family coming for the holiday and are glad to say, YES, we will be at Mini Bazaar on July 4th…..10am-4pm.
We hope you all have a great 4th of July! (one of my favorite holidays…..it doesn’t get better than Mr. Melaleuca’s fireworks)
Today, I’d like to spotlight Sylvia Ricks for our “Meet the Staff at Mini” series.
Sylvia does the displays at Mini Bazaar and has such an eye and talent for great displays! She is also very focused and works at lightening speed. You’ve probably seen her at the store, maneuvering ladders, huge mirrors and artwork, making it look effortless. She puts in countless hours and is no stranger to hard work. We appreciate Sylvia and her many talents at Mini Bazaar.
Sylvia grew up in the great state of Alaska. She married John Ricks from Rexburg, ID, and they are the parents of three sons and two daughters. They have nine beautiful grandchildren who they spend lots of time with, too. We appreciate Sylvia’s dedication and hard work, both for us at Mini Bazaar, but also to her family and community. Thanks Sylvia!!