It’s true…..We are ready for Christmas. It has taken nearly every day since we closed in October, but we made it. The displays that Sylvia has created are beautiful and Denise is our artist for the trees and florals. All I can say is WoW!
We really didn’t know how much merchandise to order this season and have been sad to find out that some of our favorites are all ready sold out for the season. I guess our suppliers weren’t sure how much to buy either. Understandable for sure. It’s just a good thing that we got such a large variety. In any case we have the most beautiful Christmas decor ever, and more nativities than ever, too. Wow, we truly have some awesome nativities. And the neighbor/friend gifts!! More than we’ve ever had before. Some great, new items for sure. We are just glad to be surrounded by so many talented people.
We hope you have a great time as the holiday season shopping time starts. I really think that being early cuts the stress….especially as I hear customers talking about being almost done shopping! What?? I never knew people were that organized. Way to go.

Be sure to come in and say hello! We look forward to seeing you.