the Holidays at Mini Bazaar

Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.”

Calvin Coolidge

I’ve always thought that the reason Christmas is in December is because you should always  save the best for last!  Christmas and all it brings is simply the BEST!

      We’ve enjoyed working with our Christmas merchandise more than you can imagine.  Who knew we could have so many favorites!  One thing for sure is just by adding some silver, gold, or platinum to any display, it truly comes to life.  We pride ourselves in our abundance of glitter, and glitter is awesome.  But, the touches of metallic in the ribbons, the finials, the angels, the lighting, or even the deer are simply delightful.  Be sure you pick up some silver or gold to add to your favorite displays.  
Our lacy, tall snowmen which I believe are meant for outdoors, are the perfect touch for an indoor display.   And using your lanterns warm up any holiday decor of course.
     We all feel so thrilled to have the holidays upon us, and of course, this Thanksgiving weekend, we feel so grateful!   Our son in law, Jason is recovering nicely, and even working hard to break away from North Carolina….possibly as early as February.  (if things go smoothly….with no problems)  As I talk to everyone at the store I find that everyone is always going through something, and I look up to each and every on of you for going forward and carrying your load.  And most of all for being positive and grateful for all we have.  Happy Thanksgiving weekend and happy Christmas shopping to everyone.  ENJOY